Our Team

The Nuclear Knowledge Management Institute is bundling the competencies, experiences and resources of the leading experts in Nuclear Knowledge Management working for and with the IAEA – the International Atomic Energy Agency. Our members are the pioneers in the field of Nuclear KM being authors of the relevant standards and guidelines in Nuclear KM edited by the IAEA.


NKMI Directors

Prof.Dr. Andreas Brandner Prof. Dr. Yanko Yanev


Advisory Committee

Prof. Abel Julio González, Argentina

Vice-chair of the International Commission on Radiological Protection; over two decades, he was the Director for Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety Devision at the IAEA.

Prof. Holger Rogner, Sweden

Scientist at the IAASA, Austria, Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Before he was  a director of the IAEA's "Programme C" which includes Planning and Economic Studies, Nuclear Information, Nuclear Knowledge Management and the Library.

Prof. Pier Roberto Danesi, Italy

Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Pavia, Italy; from 1986 to 2002 - Director of the IAEA Research Laboratories.

Prof. Victor Murogov, Russia

Dir. Int. Center Nuclear Education, National Research Nuclear University, Moscow; Dir. Center NKM (IATE-Obninsk), Dir. Russian Association Nuclear Science and Education (RANSE), former DDG for Nuclear Energy Department at the IAEA.

Prof. Randy Beatty, USA

Distinguished research and development staff member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, previously the INPRO Group Leader at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), former United States Deputy Executive Director (DED) for the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC).

Prof. Akira Omoto, Japan

Senior Technical Advisor at Nuclear Risk Research Centre, former Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, until 2013 Commissioner at the Atomic Energy Commission of Japan, former director of the Division of Nuclear Power at the IAEA.

Prof. Vladimir Artisyuk, Russia

Vice-Rector, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Rosatom Technical Academy, former Central Institute for Continuing Education & Training, Obninsk, Russia.

Prof. Vuong Huu Tan, Vietnam

Director General of the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS), former President of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM).

Prof. Christer Viktorsson, UAE

Director General of the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the UAE and former DDG of the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate.