Knowledge Management Strategy


Almost every high-tech or knowledge intensive organization faces challenges in knowledge retention, easy and timely access to information and knowledge resources, adoption of experience and new trends in organizational practice. Developing a sound comprehensive strategy on knowledge management ensures a strong linkage between organizational goals  and business objectives and the practical implementation of projects and solutions. NKMI helps to develop a fully tailored and individual needs driven strategy for managing organizational knowledge. NKMI combines both the top-down and bottom-up approaches, which connects a well formulated overarching goals, strategy to the day-to-day work and implementation. 


Overcoming Knowledge Loss

One of the seriouse challenges for many established technology and service organizations today is overcoming the problem of an ageing workforce, shorter employment cycles, and consequently a potential loss of knowledge. NKMI uses a comprehensive methodology to 1. identify critical knowledge in an organization, 2. to assess the risk of loosing the critical knowledge, 3. to formulate actions for reducing or mitigating the risk and 4. to help in implementing  the actions.

Finding suitable ICT Solution

Organizations often apply first available or known knowledge management and ICT solutions without considering their overall vision, mission and goals. NKMI helps to develop systems and technologies to enable optimal knowledge and information sharing and use. We support implementation of projects and give advice on information management.

Monitoring and evaluation of knowledge management

Monitoring and evaluation of knowledge management (KM) helps organization to better understand the effects of KM and enables them to successfully manage their KM projects. Although this seems straightforward, monitoring and evaluation of KM is not a common practice. NKMI applies an advanced technology and software to assess maturity of knowledge management initiatives. We help organizations to formulate the right indicators and find the appropriate methods to monitor and evaluate simple and complex KM initiatives.